Monday, April 13, 2020

How to bring 2nd or 3rd page ranked articles to first page on Google ?

Do you want to bring 2nd page ranked articles to first page on Google?

The straight answer is internal linking. yes internal linking will help you to bring 2nd or 3rd page ranked articles to first page on google.

I learnt this tip from the pro marketer Neil Patel. applied for my blog post and got the result.

you have to sort your articles from high rankings to low rankings. then you have to make internal links from high ranking articles to low ranking articles.

if you also build links for these articles, it will also help better to

keep in mind that, it will take some time may weeks to effect. you have to be patience. patience is the key factor in blogging.

I hope this tip will help you. if you face any difficulty in this let me know. I am ready to help you.


Venkat Randa
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