Monday, April 13, 2020

What are the Benefits of Blogging

blogging will help you to excel your digital marketing skills. it will help to get the dream job in digital marketing. example: digital deepak.

you can build the skills like search engine optimisation, social media marketing, content writing, paid adivertising etc with the help of blogging.

are you learning digital marketing without running a blog. then it is a big mistake in my opinion.

you can practice your digital marketing knowledge on your blog. once you got the results with your blog, you will get lot of confident.

it will help you a lot in your interview. you can easily crack the interview.

finally i am saying. start a blog on wordpress. produce the content regularly. promte the blog for leads and sales. the blog will become big asset for you.

you can continue your blogging as a career also. as most of the bloggers are doing.

have a great blogging journey.


Venkat Randa
How to bring 2nd or 3rd page ranked articles to first page on Google ?

Do you want to bring 2nd page ranked articles to first page on Google?

The straight answer is internal linking. yes internal linking will help you to bring 2nd or 3rd page ranked articles to first page on google.

I learnt this tip from the pro marketer Neil Patel. applied for my blog post and got the result.

you have to sort your articles from high rankings to low rankings. then you have to make internal links from high ranking articles to low ranking articles.

if you also build links for these articles, it will also help better to

keep in mind that, it will take some time may weeks to effect. you have to be patience. patience is the key factor in blogging.

I hope this tip will help you. if you face any difficulty in this let me know. I am ready to help you.


Venkat Randa
What is Affiliate Marketing? How to do Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online.

In affiliate marketing, you have to promote others products and you will receive the commission when sale or lead happens.

you have to register with affiliate program by company like Amazon.

then you have to choose the products which are useful for your audience. you have to promote these products with your audience.

when your audience buy these products from your links, you will be paid. this is the affiliate marketing.

in affiliate marketing there are two type of commission structure.

fixed commission and recurring commission.

you will get commission when product get sale. that's all. which is fixed commission.

you will get commission when product get sale and on every renewal of the product. which is called the recurring commission.
you can do affiliate marketing on your blog or youtube channel.

Here you are doing the marketing for companies.

here companies are happy to pay you for sale generating by you.

In this affiliate marketing, both company and publisher will get benefits. Publisher will make extra money and company make the sales.

The most popular affiliate marketing provider is the Amazon.

You can make more than the ad networks.

Ads pay you by cpm and cpc.

Affiliate marketing pay for every sale.

Some companies will pay you every time user do transaction with the company like Tubebuddy, SEMRush.

What is your thoughts on Affiliate Marketing?

The best way to do affiliate marketing is by starting a blog.

you have to produce the content about affiliate products and then you have to promote affiliate products in these posts.

do you want to discuss about affiliate marketing. then come to inbox. we will discuss.
About Amazon India Affiliate Program

You can monetize your blog with Amazon India affiliate program and can make money with your blog.

In this you have to choose the products according to your blog post topics and then you have to promote these products on your blog posts.

You can include amazon banners at important places like header, right sidebar etc.

You will recieve commssion on every sale you refer with your affiliate link.

suppose you created one affiliate link for TV. one user clicks this link and buys the washing machine then also you will recieve commission.

here you will recieve commission for washing machine.

In amazon commissions are from 1% to 12% on product final cost.

the minimum withdrawl limit is Rs.1000.

Are you new to Amazon affiliate program and to start this.

Don't know how to proceed to this.

you can message me for more help.
Benefits of having a Website for Your Business

Website is the Online Office / home for your business

You can explain very better about your business and products on this.

You can list your clients. you can showcase your talent on this.

So clients will contact you for their projects or to buy the products from you.

you can increase persons expose more by doing seo and paid ads.

you can also do social media marketing for some better exposure to your business.

They are a lot of benefits like this by having a website for your business.

Now most businesses are moving online, then why not you.

Do you want to discuss more about this.

ya, you can message me.

Monday, February 3, 2020

How to Write well researched article in 2019
in this video we will explain how to create well researched article.
